Monday, August 29, 2016

After Enduring Online Abuse From Other Moms, Blogger Realizes ‘The Parents Are The Problem’

Blogger writes about a “quickie” and the internet attacks

There are real people on the other end of a Facebook story, this is something many don’t seem to realize. Parents talk about ending bullying that their kids endure one moment, then engage in it themselves the next.

There is a huge hypocrisy that exists online, especially among moms. What gives, ladies?

A few weeks ago, Australian blogger Mel Watts wrote a very relatable post about how annoying those moments are when your sex drives are not matching up in a relationship. She expanded on “the quickie” — you know, that fast, uninspired sex many couples have when there are fuckzillion other things that have to be done.

Did we just have a quickie?

Like a day time one?
With one child at the neighbours and a baby asleep in the cot it…

Posted by Mel Watts – The Modern Mumma on Saturday, July 30, 2016

Moms daily share harmless anecdotes from their lives in the hopes they will connect with other moms out there or possibly make someone feel less alone. The internet mob does not give a shit. It wants these moms to know that their harmless, funny little anecdote is the worst fucking thing they’ve ever read, you’re a horrible mother, and you should maybe die. Or never write again. Or both.

The comments got to Watts, whose blog name is The Modern Mumma. “For a very long time I have seen huge amounts of money and resources going in to teach our children about bullying. I think the actual problem isn’t our children. It’s the parents,” she says on a video she made to address the trolls.

“After writing an article, I have read hundreds of horrible things about me,” she explains through tears.  “Things that have made me sit there and go, ‘Wow, what the fuck have I done?'” The answer is, she’s done nothing other than tell a harmless anecdote about her own life.  Because she admitted to not always being in the mood to have sex with her husband, and occasionally giving in to get a moment of peace, some keyboard warriors of the internet turned on her big time. Some accused her of humiliating her husband. One writer went as far as to write a think piece about how Watts was actually being raped by her husband if she was giving in to sex without totally being in the mood. Good god.

“I’m a good wife, and I’m a really good mother. And most of all, I’m a really good friend. I would do anything for people,” Watts says. “And I don’t understand how people can say this kind of stuff and be so nasty to people they don’t even know.”

She titled the video, “Going viral isn’t all that. Keyboard warriors & keyboard trolls you won.” They haven’t really won though, because Watts continues to share posts about her life on her Facebook page, as she should. We go through so much as moms, and we’re not all the same. If someone is telling a story about themselves that you don’t relate to, why even bother commenting? What is the point of putting a bunch of vitriol out there? There is no purpose, but to make another person feel bad. 

And that just sucks.

A lot of people say, “Don’t put words on the internet if you aren’t prepared to be attacked.” Really?  Are pointless attacks really what someone should expect and accept, just for sharing their lives with people who followed their Facebook pages? How about, “Don’t be an asshole.” We like that directive much better.

The post After Enduring Online Abuse From Other Moms, Blogger Realizes ‘The Parents Are The Problem’ appeared first on Scary Mommy.

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